Bad Pokémon Jokes

Q. What do you call a voyeur with an allergy problem?
A. A Peek-achoo.

Q. What do you call a Jamaican who goes around
      jabbing people with his finger?
A. A Poky-mon.

Q. What do Pokémons do with an Amtrak schedule?
A. They Pika-chu-chu.

Q. What do Pokémons tell people who stare at them?
A. "Why don't you take a Pik-cha, it'll last longer!"

Missed Marketing Tie-Ins

Taco Bell - the Pikachalupa
Little Cæser's Pizza - "Pika! Pika!"
General Mills - Jiggly Puffs cereal
Thanks to IK and LP for their contributions. 

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